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Compassion In Action Fellowship Spotlight: Kendal

What would it look like to serve young people, those at the forefront of changing the world while also embarking on a journey of waking up?

 To answer this question and support the next generation of change-makers, we launched the Compassion in Action Fellowship— a yearlong inner & outer change journey that helps undergraduate students learn meditation practice, build community, and engage in meaningful social change. 

 This year, we are joined by 15 students leading campus and community-based chapters that host weekly or bi-weekly learning circles, social events, team meetings, and opportunities to help create a more just, compassionate, and connected world.

You can read all about the program HERE. Over the coming weeks and months we will feature the students who are the heart of Compassion in Action. With immense joy and admiration, we introduce you to Kendal, a fellow from Oregon State University.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I enjoy baking, learning about other cultures, cooking, outdoors, sustainability, music, cats, yoga, and plants! I love connecting with people with similar interests. If anyone wants to connect, you can follow me on Instagram @kendalann21

What’s your major and why did you choose it?

Psychology with a minor in Biology. I chose it because I was initially interested and learned I was good at communication, empathy, and helping others, so I wanted to pursue a career in it.

What drew you to the CiA Fellowship?

I was struggling with my mental health and my connection to others. I saw a lot of darkness in the world and it was really saddening, so I was searching for a way to cultivate love and spread that kindness through every aspect of my life. When I came across the fellowship, I knew this would meet my needs.

What are your goals for the semester?

I have some specific goals this semester. I want to drink more water, prioritize moving my body every day, and get into graduate school!

What’s been happening in your chapter?

My chapter has been focusing on Sangha the past few weeks and learning how to include everyone interested in joining our circles. Having a welcoming environment is my top priority when getting a group of individuals together.


What type of meditations are currently resonating with you and why?

Metta meditations are currently resonating with me because I think everyone needs a daily dose of self-love and kindness. It’s easy to forget to be gentle with yourself when you are so focused on our outside environment. 

What social causes do you feel passionate about and why?

I am passionate about environmentalism and mental health advocacy. I’m really passionate about environmentalism because I have an overwhelming feeling that my home is being destroyed, and that is exactly what is happening, so I must do something about it. I am passionate about mental health advocacy because I believe everyone should have a right to accessible and affordable mental health services. We’ve been facing such a long battle of throwing the mentally ill in jail instead of getting them adequate treatment. That needs to change drastically in order to make the world a better place.

If you could invite anyone to dinner alive or deceased who would that be?
I would invite my Papa because I want to eat a hot dog with him at a baseball game and I miss him.

What does a more compassionate world look like to you?

To me a compassionate world is one that responds and answers with love, no matter the question. Making progressive changes towards a more equal, kind world should be in the interest of everyone. The world needs to gain a little bit of perspective and empathy in order to be successful.

Do you have a favorite quote or mantra?
“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.” Buddha

How can people join your chapter?

They can email us at or they can message us on Instagram @osucompassioninaction – learn more about our chapter and follow us HERE. 

Thank you for sharing, Kendal!
Stay tuned to meet more of the fellows and learn about how they are changing the world!



Compassion in Action Network

The Compassion in Action Network is a movement and community of young people working to create a happy, just, and flourishing world. Students and youth are at the forefront of changing the world. Today’s rising generation knows that our challenges are interconnected and that we need inner and outer change. In partnership with young people and allies across North America, we are growing a network of next generation leaders who are waking up together and acting with compassion for the benefit of all.

Learn more about the network and the Compassion in Action Fellowship.