Guided Meditations
A Simple way to start your daily practice.
We invite you to begin with three foundational practices found in Buddhism: Shamata (mindfulness), Tonglen (compassion), and Clearing the Stale Energies (breath practice), and then bring these meditations together into Round Robin (bringing it all together), a short sequence that can be practiced daily.
Lama Tsomo helps you get started by guiding you through each practice below that takes ten minutes or less.
We encourage you to bookmark this page to store it in a handy place for easy reference.
Give it a try
If you’re new to meditation, these short guided options are a great introduction
Returning to the Cushion
Guided meditations for experienced meditators
Ready for More?
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to getting started with meditation, try the Always Smiling eCourses. The eCourses will introduce you to three of the four foundational practices here through written teachings, video guided meditations, and journaling exercises. Best of all, it’s free!
Four Foundational Practices
We primarily offer guided meditations on four foundational practices of Vajrayana (or Tibetan) Buddhism. In addition, we have guided meditations to help you jump start your practice, bring practices together in one session, and alternative ways to support your meditation, such as using sound to focus your mind.