Namchak Community Blog
Tips for Meditation and Tips for Working with Spiritual Teachers
Starting or refreshing your meditation practice can be overwhelming. So, we’ve compiled some common questions and issues that students and teachers discuss at our retreats. Let’s begin with some meditation tips!How do I start meditating? When you’re a beginner to meditation, focus on one practice at a time. It’s tempting to try to learn tons of...
Compassion in Action Student Spotlight: Priya
What would it look like to serve young people, those at the forefront of changing the world while also embarking on a journey of waking up?
How to Practice Self-Compassion
If you practice meditation, you’re probably familiar with the concept of compassion, which is one of the Four Boundless Qualities of Buddhism.
The History and Importance of Tara
If you’ve studied Buddhism for a little while, you’ve probably heard of Tara. Green Tara and White Tara are some of the commonly discussed Taras, but there are many different forms of Tara
Compassion In Action Fellowship Spotlight: Kendal
We have been looking forward to the launch of the Compassion in Action Fellowship for a few years. In 2019, we launched the Campus Ambassadors pilot program
Meditation for Anxiety and Difficult Emotions
Meditation for Anxiety and Difficult Emotions” it says, “When we meditate, we can see a parade of our thoughts and with practice, allow them to pass through. We learn to let go of the stories that we often attach to certain thoughts and feelings.
From Prince to Buddha
Did you know that prior to becoming the Buddha, he was a prince named Siddhartha? Read excerpt from Lama Tsomo’s recent book “Ancient Wisdom for Our Times: Tibetan Buddhist Practice: Why Bother? An Introduction”
Understanding the Four Immeasurables and Their Near and Far Enemies
The Four Immeasurables, also called the Four Boundless Qualities, and the Four Brahmaviharas are the Buddhist virtues of Equanimity, Loving Kindness, Compassion, and Sympathetic Joy.
How to Start Meditating
On the Buddhist path, Calm Abiding serves as the foundation for all other practices. It is a technique used to develop our power of attention and bring our coarse and subtle thoughts to a restful state. In other words, it is resting or abiding in that peaceful state.
What are the Six Perfections or Six Paramitas?
The Mahayana Path of Buddhism, where we at Namchak find our roots, focuses upon the Six Perfections also known as the Six Paramitas.